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'In any land what is there more glorious than sunlight! Even here in the desert where it falls fierce and hot like a rain of meteors, it is the one supreme beauty to which all things pay allegiance ... The chief glory of the desert is its broad blaze of omnipresent light.'
-John Van Dyke

Monday, November 2, 2015

One more Cat Comission

My clients who ordered the pretty cat-with-daffodil-portrait liked it so much that they came back for a painting of another one of their beloved cats. Again in their beautiful garden. It's so different from our desert setting here in Arizona, it reminds me of our garden in Germany. The sweet-faced Mia was set off nicely by flowers.  For the male tabby Aldo, rock garden and blue spruce seem a fitting back drop.

Maybe you enjoy a step-by-step  view of the new painting. Tabbies present the most difficult painting problems - I was trying to find a balance between looseness and enough detail to make him recognizable.  

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Margarethe- you made my wife cry again. Simply lovely. That's our Aldo.
