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'In any land what is there more glorious than sunlight! Even here in the desert where it falls fierce and hot like a rain of meteors, it is the one supreme beauty to which all things pay allegiance ... The chief glory of the desert is its broad blaze of omnipresent light.'
-John Van Dyke

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sycamore Canyon Coatis

I did not start with a value chart this time - I was too taken with the narrative that I was trying to convey. So I'd break all the rules from the beginning. I also found out that my resist had turned into an unusable mess. So there is none used in this piece, and I think that worked out well.

I started with my narrative in mind and all the figures, but with the idea of leading the eye through the image.

A rule-breaker: I wanted my background yellow, like low sun rays filtered through brushes and trees.

 After filling in the middle-ground, it gets busy and confusing. It has lost some of the back-lit glitter that I was aiming for. But the abstracting stained-glass effect of the background is developing.



To finish, I enhanced the yellow in parts of the background - I believe that if you use color, do it decisively. With my big flat brush, I pulled and pushed little pieces of the background to enhance the stained glass effect and keep it simple. Then I darkened areas of the middleground to make the figure up front pop. I softened the rock edges behind the front guy to make them recede. .

'Sycamore Canyon Coatis', Quarter Sheet Arches cold pressed, framed in 16 in by 20 in. 

 For the story behind the painting see my nature blog

Available: matted prints 16x 20 and canvas print 6 in by 8 in of just the front Coati   

Lonesome Coati

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