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'In any land what is there more glorious than sunlight! Even here in the desert where it falls fierce and hot like a rain of meteors, it is the one supreme beauty to which all things pay allegiance ... The chief glory of the desert is its broad blaze of omnipresent light.'
-John Van Dyke

Monday, September 29, 2014

Cat portrait comission

Painting from a photo is possible, but usually not too satisfying all the client expects is a copy of the photo?  But then I got this one: a cell phone shot, with the typical wide-angle distortion that cell phone close-ups seem to deliver.
The client loved that particular photo because of the expression: the cat with attitude. But I did not get the impression that she was looking for a distorted caricature of a cat.

So I pulled out sketches of my own cat that has a similar body type and tried to superimpose the face and expression of Harley.  

The pose was similar enough to the photo. The background colors are the same ones I was going to use in the fur of the cat. I am thinking of a spot of sun light - any cat would want to relax right in the middle of it.

Finally when matting it, I decide to sacrifice a bit of the hind paws that are only suggested anyway to give the cat a little jaunty tilt - to go with the expression.

The client loved it and has already picked it up. Getting here was slightly adventurous after the rains had washed out the road a bit. Luckily she came in an SUV.

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