
Contact me by email: or telephone 520-682-2837

'In any land what is there more glorious than sunlight! Even here in the desert where it falls fierce and hot like a rain of meteors, it is the one supreme beauty to which all things pay allegiance ... The chief glory of the desert is its broad blaze of omnipresent light.'
-John Van Dyke

Saturday, December 25, 2021

4th Avenue Winter Street Fair, Tucson, 2021

The 4th Avenue Winter Street Fair in Tucson was cancelled 3 times because of the pandemic, but this early December it took place, with crowds, food and drink, masks and no masks, wireless problems with many creditcards, but over all a great mood.
While the set up on Friday morning happened during a heavy shower and ankle-deep water between the van and the booth, dry socks and a different pair of boots took care of that. By the time the show opened the sky was clear and the sun rather warm. And that weather held. Tiles are my best seller at the moment. My display is now devoted to them and to larger canvas prints. No more hundreds of 8x10 inch little blocks, those are now in little bins. My paper mache Hummingbirds may be a distraction? But I sold a few.
When the first credit card was being used, I had no ATT coverage on my wifi. It turned out that all artists using tablets for their 'squares' had that problem. So olfashioned paper slips from the manual slider days came out. But not all customers are comfortable with that anymore. Well, it's more of a risk for the seller really. On Saturday morning, the lovely people of the Presbyterian Church accross from my booth provided me access to their network. That saved the show.